School Committees

Parent committees focus on activities that enhance the quality of life at Berkwood Hedge. Running a school is a lot of work! We like to encourage our families to support Berkwood Hedge, earn work commitment hours, and get to know a group of dedicated fellow parents/guardians by joining a committee and making a commitment for the school year.

Site Committee
Comprised of both parents and staff, this committee focuses on maintaining and improving the Berkwood Hedge campus.
Development Committee
Members of this active and vital committee support the fundraising and development of the school.
Diversity Committee
Open to all members of the Berkwood Hedge community, the Diversity Committee plans and implements social and educational events, and supports the school in preparing children for the opportunities and challenges of living in a diverse society, and in being an inclusive and culturally responsive educational institution.
Green Team
Berkwood Hedge School values environmental sustainability. We strive to minimize the environmental impact of our operations and to promote environmental health in both our operations and curriculum. The Green Team's role is outreach and education within the community and identifying ways to improve environmental practices on site and within our broader community.
Native Plant Committee (Plant Patrol)
The Native Plant Committee is planting a California Habitats/Oak woodland garden in the beds on the perimeter of the big yard. Join them and earn development volunteer hours while caring for our site by assisting with the  project to beautify our school. 
Library Committee
The Library Committee supports the school's mission by maintaining and circulating a collection of books on curricular topics that recognize and celebrate diversity and multiculturalism, and books that excite, inspire and delight students. Members of the Library Committee staff the school library at lunchtime.
Spring Celebration and Silent Auction Committee
This annual event is our largest fundraising event of the year. Parent volunteers plan this auction party from start to finish, and everyone's talents are welcome.
Telling Tales, Storytelling Festival Committee
Parents and staff work together to implement our signature event, "Telling Tales: A Fall Storytelling Festival at Berkwood Hedge School"
Technology Committee
Members of this committee assist the school in keeping our technical systems running smoothly.