How We Learn » Service Learning

Service Learning

The Berkwood Hedge community strives to cultivate a school-wide culture of giving, service and leadership. It begins in each classroom, as each class is responsible for the general care and upkeep of a section of the schoolyard. These class stewardships help students develop a sense of pride and ownership in their school. From there, the circle of influence and awareness widens.

Our service learning program combines meaningful community service with everyday classroom studies, current events and special student interests. Service learning projects are developed at the school-wide as well as the classroom level.

Classroom learning projects have included:
  • First graders provide information and support for "TV Turn-Off Week" throughout the school.
  • Second graders start plants from organic heirloom seeds and organize a plant sale to raise funds for the East Bay Humane Society
  • In conjunction with an overnight trip to Full Belly Farm, third graders grow and distribute strawberry plants to families living in the neighborhood surrounding the school.
  • Fifth graders organized a walkathon to raise research funds for Leiomyosarcoma,, a rare form of cancer that affected a member of our school community.
  • An all school community breakfast raised over $1600 to support earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan.