Free Parenting Workshop with Vanessa Callaghan MEd. and Dr. Luz Casquejo Johnston

5 Motivation Hacks for Kids… and Adults

A FREE hands-on virtual workshop with Vanessa Callaghan, MEd. and Dr. Luz Casquejo-Johnston

Monday, January 23rd @6pm PT

RESERVE YOUR SEAT HERE...Space is limited! 

Sometimes motivating kids is harder than it should be. Join other parents and caregivers to learn motivation-boosting strategies you can share with your kids so you can get them on board with routines, expectations, homework, etc., all while building more positive relationships.

Parents, you really don't have to do it all alone! This highly interactive workshop is designed to give you new, effective strategies that WORK and KIDS LOVE!

Get on the same page as a family as you set the tone for 2023. When we nurture our relationships through the challenging moments, we create even more connection, trust, and respect among family members!

Bring your questions, get live coaching, and shift how you address patterns of stress and struggle with research-backed strategies and insights.

This event will be held in a Zoom meeting room. Please register here: 

Experience how to...

  • GET BETTER LISTENING by winning your child’s cooperation, so that they are more likely to follow rules, expectations, and routines.
  • GIVE EFFECTIVE GUIDANCE when your child whines, gives up, or complains of being bored, so you can avoid yelling, using bribes, and doling out threats and punishments. Over time, you’ll be giving them what they need to grow their self-awareness and self-motivation.
  • USE MOTIVATION TOOLS to reach your own personal goals, so that you can get stuff done AND provide a powerful example for your kids to follow. (WIN-WIN!)


About the presenters: This event is facilitated by the lead coach of Raising Our Resilience, Vanessa Callaghan, MEd and Dr. Luz Casquejo-Johnston. 

Vanessa is a proven educator with 20 years of hands-on experience known for her refreshingly honest, hands-on, and personal approach. She empowers parents struggling with their children's challenging behaviors to find the calm, confidence, and tools they need to build lifelong relationships based on love, mutual respect, and appreciation.

Dr. Luz has over two decades of experience in the field of education. Over that time as a classroom teacher, principal and professor, Dr. Luz has worked with hundreds of parents to create families that learn and grow together. She currently consults with schools, parent groups and individual families to share her warmth and wealth of knowledge.


Register here: 

